P.O. BOX 330068 Murfreesboro, TN 37133
The President and Founder of One Waste Solutions have done it all over the past 25 years in the waste industry: hauling trash, designing routes, and managing the day-to-day operations of a trash collection company. He attributes his success as a business owner to developing long-term partnerships and providing unparalleled customer service. “Commitment to Excellence” is his personal motivation; mediocrity is never an option. Our commitment is to our employees and customers. A family-owned business, we are dedicated to excellence, environmental responsibility, and ethical behavior. We offer a safe, respectful, and rewarding workplace for our employees. Our vehicles receive regularly scheduled maintenance, and our drivers receive risk management safety training to ensure they always operate their equipment in a safe manner. Our employees take pride in their work, creating a company that you will be proud to do business with. Thank you for choosing One Waste Solutions to help keep your community clean.
At One Waste Solutions, our mission is to be your partner in the waste disposal and preserving our environment for future generations. Call us now at 1-855-ONE-WSTE (663-9783) or submit an online request to establish a new service. One of our local representatives will be in touch with you.
Operations Site (Employees Only)
1135 Old Salem Rd
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
P.O. Box Mailing Address
One Waste Solutions, LLC
PO 330068 Murfreesboro, TN 37133